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Leading with Trends in Nursing Education

Memorial Healthcare System is a destination for ambitious nurses who want to be part of a culture of learning and education. Our RNs practice at the top of their license receiving the support they need to excel within our professional nursing model. We are committed to growing the skill and knowledge of new nurses and experienced RNs alike.

“Residencies, fellowships, mentorships, and other newly emerging programs are a must to create the nursing leaders of tomorrow,” says Maggie Hansen, RN, MHSC, BSN, Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Executive at Memorial. “Today’s practice environment is complex, with a continued influx of new technologies. We want our nurses to embrace advancements, including mobile devices, to maximize patient care and safety.”

“We’ve always known that nurses are flexible, agile and incredibly persistent. We need to leverage those attributes to shape the future of healthcare. That’s why we have created a Nurse Residency Program for graduate nurses, along with a RN Fellowship Program for experienced nurses who want to learn a new specialty. We’re also offering scholarships to nurses who are pursuing their BSN degree.”

All of these programs offer the potential for a rewarding career at Memorial, where retaining top nursing talent is of key importance. Leadership is always looking for new ways to invest in nurses, financially and otherwise.

“Supporting the resilience of our nurses in the face of personal and professional stress is a must,” says Hansen. “Working through COIVD-19 has impacted the mental health of caregivers around the world. We are committed to providing what RNs need to thrive post pandemic. That includes gratitude. And I, for one, thank all nurses for remaining committed to the profession.”

Nurses who want to work in a culture that promotes smarter healthcare are encouraged to apply online. Memorial is where you can practice at the top of your license … and grow as far as you want.